
Week 4 Pictures & the iron issue

Well, well, what do you know? My favorite iron I've had for years is leaving orange to brown stains on my background fabric----let's just say I'm not really happy about that. I must need more practice on this week's blue floral block that looks like an eye! I'm thinking it will be more fun the second go round----or should I say hoping?

I'm so glad to figure out what the problem was, though. I tore apart my ironing board, bought a new cover, was worried it was my background fabric, etc. I have about 8 yards of white and it's the Kona 108" width...so I was very concerned when I saw the spots, especially considering a dozen blocks were complete when I saw unplanned polka dots. LOL! In the mean time the wonderful DH has a temporary solution and I have my clover for the applique this week. I've never done needle turn before. It looks like JANE will give me a lot of practice very soon.

Am I the only one who shops around a while for an iron? I don't use it often on clothing but I'm so particular about the weight, settings, style that I think I could do another few entries on iron criteria!! I usually go for the Rowentas, but we'll see what I come up with this time. It looks like the warranty my Rowenta Professional is just a year----so time to shop for a new one.

WISH ME LUCK Quilt-Fabulous Friends!!


A Site for More Minis

Who would have thought that Dearest Jane would not be enough to keep my eyes from roaming the internet in search of MORE mini blocks?!? In my spare time, maybe I'll get a few of these done. http://sentimentalstitches.net/free-stuff/midget-blocks/


Pictures of week 1-3 blocks

I am posting pictures on my blog and on a group site as well. The plan is to use a different fabric for each block and each of the portions of the border(s).....on the hunt for more 30s repros!

At this point, my design does not include the pieced triangles of the original quilt but will likely include the 4 kites....we'll see. I seem to be having an issue with my background fabric or my iron. I'll be glad to get to the applique soon to see how I do and whether there's any discoloration of the background fabrics using a mini iron...wish me luck!


Week 3 of JANE

Oh my, I'm up to my elbows in bits and pieces of my precious 30s reproductions! I feel like I should save every scrap but am trying to look at the bigger picture. So far, I've completed 10 blocks in about 3 weeks.

A quick recap: the first block I did twice and am still not thrilled with the results...but, in all fairness, this is my very first attempt at paper piecing (and curves, and applique, and and and).

After several tear outs, my seam ripper and I are becoming close friends. We barely spoke before JANE. Now I talk all the time, unfortunately, many of my comments are not suitable for posting.

I stabbed my first finger with my itty bitty tiny scissors that are just the right size for this project after I burned my thumb making dinner in a rush to sew. Some days we just don't have it in us. I knew this and tried to do a block anyway. Lesson Learned. They say JANE will cost blood, sweat, and tears. BLOOD: Check. Moving on...

My latest block A-9 was a real *doozy*. The center (supposedly the hard part) came out perfectly the very first try! Believe it or not, it was two of the outer edge pieces that almost drove me to the brink. Thankfully, I've spent so much money on supplies at this point that guilt has nudged me into moving on. I'm still not happy with it and may never be but for now, I've said DONE.

I'm hoping to spend some time piecing tomorrow.

Blessed are the Piecemakers!