

Do you enjoy hand embroidery?

I haven't embroidered in years, but I appreciate the time

that goes into it

and adore looking at hand work of any kind.

I'm drawn to vintage redwork patterns and modern, colorful patterns, too!

A reader recently sent an email question about needlework,

and while not my specialty {ok, major understatement, I know lol}

....I have been curious about finding a refresher course,

so I did a little digging.

I found a great site here for every stitch I've ever done and then some:

at Needle 'n Thread so I thought I'd share.

This was fun!

If you have a question or topic you'd like some help with,
please feel free to drop me an email so we can all benefit.

Happy Stitching!


A New Look for the Blog

It's hard to believe that the header has topped this page for just over a year.

What a year it's been!

A new look will be greeting you on the RETRO-Fabulous blog
with a few other changes to come

{and hopefully a finish or two, too}.

I always appreciate your comments and am looking forward to your thoughts on the new design.

Best Wishes & Happy Stitching,