
Bonnie's RSVP Blocks

Bonnie Brodmerkle was kind enough to create the following 3 blocks for RSVP:

Album: free pattern available here.

Peace & Plenty: free pattern available here.

Carrie Nation: free pattern available here.
Beautiful blocks and great pattern ideas!
Thank you so much, Bonnie!!

Happy Piecing,



One {plain} tan skirt + one cute print shirt = a new to me skirt:

The Skirt REMIX.

The ruffle was made from strips cut from the full width of the shirt and the circles were constructed from the sleeve areas. 

Have no fear...the buttons have not been forgotton. Waste not want not. They're in my button stash for another project.

Add a simple black top to my 'new skirt' and I'm officially ready for 
date night. 

*Hint Hint*, Mr. Fabulous.

close up of the circle details

Before Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, it was 

"Use it up, Wear it Out, Make Due or Do Without". 

How do you upcycle?


RSVP Designs

The ladies at RSVP are beginning to turn their blocks in. 

The latest arrivals include several from Nora Braun & Shirley Johnson. 

Great job, ladies! Thank you for supporting RSVP's annual quilt fundraiser.

Indian Trail FREE pattern available here.

 The directions for Hidden Well can be found here. Nora's is an original variation of this block.



A Little {adorable} Sewing Project

Aside from being fantastically delicious eye candy, the projects included will surely inspire you to add another goodie to your repertoire. If you have a moment, be sure to browse Sandi's site: Sandi Henderson Design. GORGEOUS.

To make the "Mary Jane Slippers", I chose to incorporate a well loved dress that no longer fits. I probably could have held on to the frock for another neighborhood munchkin, but it's a fave...and we're a bit attached. 

For those of you utilizing clothing in your projects, there is no need to rip seams. 
Simply cut along both sides of the seams and collect the larger pieces of fabric for your pattern. 

I also included a RK Jennifer Sampon print called "Block Party" to add some contrast. Love that fabric!
{In hindsight, wish I'd have purchased another few yards (OK a bolt) of this fabric...it goes with everything}.

 Divine footwear for the Lil' Miss...perfect for hardwood floor skating. 
OH Yay!

Happy Sewing,