
Week 12---Passed the 40 Mark

I'm thrilled to say I passed the 40th block this week!
Number of completed blocks: 44, Pieces: 957.
I also heard some news...the Dear Jane book is on the way to the house,
signed by the author! Special thanks for the early B-day present.

This year, I'm turning 40 and wanted to give myself a precious gift: time.
I've made so little time for myself for so long. I really wasn't sure what 
to do with it until I found this project. I feel refreshed & myself again.
*BONUS* I get a gorgeous quilt, too!
What could be better?
All my best,


  1. Your blocks er beautiful, and we se life started with 40.

  2. A lovely sentiment, tiny. Thanks for your kind comments.

  3. Wow 40 blocks, for sure time is precious and we never seem to have enough of it. I've just had a little break from Dear Jane, but I find I'm itching to get back to her.

  4. Congrats on your upcoming b-day! Ive enjoyed seeing your blocks!


  5. Thank you, Pip. I think I remember something about you finishing up all 4 corners!! Not much of a break, is it? By the way, love the latest corner. It's beautiful. We're enjoying your pictures of your local wildlife as well.

    Jenn, my B-day isn't until September LOL. It's REALLY early...but I LOVE fun mail so I'm not complaining! =)

  6. Your blocks are GREAT, and forty is fabulous.

  7. I am seriously jealous of your progress!! Good for you, really. I wish I had it in me.

  8. Thank you, Michelle!

    Nanette, I'm MAKING time this year. Sometimes that means the middle of the night or first thing in the morning but a little bit each day makes a big difference. You accomplish so much on your site and this is my only big project...for now. =)

  9. Happy 40 block! You're doing great and you are so right when you say you have to MAKE time. I fell the same. Working most of the day and with a 2 year old girl it's sometimes very difficult to have time to myself and to enjoy all the things i like the most. Like quilting! I also do my very best to make time along with all the household rotines!
    Keep making gorgeous blocks!

  10. Hi!
    I don't know much about quilting but am very proud to own your first project!!!

  11. Mariana, thank you so much!! Glad to hear you find some time to quilt also. Love your blog!

    Chi, YOU are such a sweetie. Thanks for checking out my blog. I do hope my first project made it through the baby years.

    This is so exciting to have international readers! Welcome to all my guests!!!!

  12. I added you to my follower list, I'll be back! I just love your blocks!! :-)


Your comments are always welcome. :)