
Week 7 Blocks

Here we are at week 7 already...time flies when you're having fun. I substituted I-11 this week for the scheduled F-9 because I think a week of mostly paper piecing would make 2 layers of applique easier to digest. Technically, I think I'm supposed to sew curves on F-9 then applique but I'm skipping the curves now for a less complex block later. When in doubt, applique...I think that's going to be my new motto! At the time of this post, a demo has not been completed on "That Quilt" or the board. It could be reverse appliqued but I'd like to keep the seams for now...we'll see when it comes down to it.

The yahoo group is having a charm swap of 8" reproduction prints...if you'd like in, please email me for details.

In other news, the hubs is helping to cut hexagons with me this weekend...what a sweetheart! I've got a keeper for sure!! Now I'll be able to get a jump on that one and get it moving, too. Having some consistent piecing going on will be a bit of down time from the mania that is JANE. I always swore I would never start a big project before completing my current one to avoid UFOs, WIPs and whatever else they're known as...Lesson Learned: Never say NEVER.

Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

  1. The 2 yellows this week need to be re-done but I'm not in a rush. This is supposed to be an 'off' week. I'll get around to it in the next couple of weeks & post new pix, too.


Your comments are always welcome. :)