
Week 6 Blocks

Would you like to know how to make JANE even more challenging? Use directional fabrics! Many of my 30s prints are directional and I didn't really give it much thought until this week. I may start mirroring if it bothers me later but I don't think it's worth the time & effort to re-do when I'm really happy with the applique & piecing on the upper right hand block. It's hard to believe but I'm almost done with all of February's scheduled blocks. Later this week....more applique! I should have plenty of time to work on midget blocks and charm squares to swap. Hopefully, I'll find some enthusiasm for the hexi project again, too.

Yesterday, I downloaded the Bunny Hill Designs A Tisket A Tasket & will be sure to print them off soon so I have a hard copy available when I am ready for it. *Anne at Bunny Hill let me know that the designs will be up for a limited time...just another week and a half----so be sure to make the time ASAP. *


Bunny Hill Designs' Fabu Redwork/Applique FREE Block of the Month Patterns

I never thought I'd be on the hunt for applique patterns until *JANE* but today I browsed. I'm definitely not putting any money into other projects for now, but it couldn't hurt to look for free patterns to add to the to do list, right? Harmless. I'm thinking with the stash I can pull a few projects out of the sewing room at minimal cost & will occasionally post so you can add them to your lists, too!

Now, for the goodies....Bunny Hill Designs has a new block of the month for 2010----snowmen! It's called "Snowbound". The January block is up AND just in case you missed it, all the blocks from 2009 A Tisket, A Tasket are still available for download.

Happy quilty thoughts.


My FIRST Tute: Selvage Square Tutorial

The above link will take you to Scribd, a file sharing site. If you prefer a quilt related site or PDF download format, please see the same tutorial at The Quilting Board.

The squares can be used for pincushions----I embellished mine with buttons & think it's positively adorable! You can create keepsakes for projects you're passing along to someone else, gifts for quilty friends or you can save your completed squares for a quilt top. Please see Karen Griska's Blogger site called The Selvage Blog for some fantastic ideas and pure inspiration. A reader sent me her information after my tute was published on the Quilting Board.

These are so much fun to do and a great use of fabric that is normally discarded by most quilters. If you haven't been saving them, there's no time like the present.
Happy Quilting =)


Week 6 blocks started

The first block of the next set (technically week 6, though I just started 4 wks ago) is complete! YAY!! Happy Dancing. This week has 2 applique blocks and another pieced block that reminds me of the dark yellow and white of last week.

I feel like I'm ready for a break and do need to catch up on some of other projects. It's true---I do discuss other projects, promise! The next year or so will be primarily devoted to JANE, so please bear with my non-stop JANE-related postings. I will mix it up from time to time.

I have been neglecting some blocks that are now gathering dust and guilt is beginning to get to me. It's a hexagon project, though...so those of you who have done one inevitably reached this degree of avoidance at some point...or maybe it's just me!

Happy Quilting


Applique gets better with time & practice.

I've had some advice from an experienced applique quilty friend in Australia (Hi Cheese!! *waving*). She says applique gets better with time and practice. How much? Depends on the quilter...let's just say it will take me a bit more time but I'm pleased with the stitching for the most part on block 2 this week. It even has overlapping pieces...ooh la la! Now, don't go looking at the back because THAT is definitely not pretty but who's going to see that anyway? It's all good. I just keep telling myself I'm improving. What more could you ask for?

In other quilty business...I think JANE is trying to tell me to slow down. I used to sew at one speed: =SUPERFAST= with the pedal to the metal. As I progress, I notice the smallest seam can throw the look of a mini block off and I have to stop and tread cautiously over them like driving through a dangerous intersection. Hmmmm maybe my driving will improve, too but that's kind of doubtful.

The week has been a little hectic....ok, it's always hectic....especially hectic I should say.
Wishing all of us a PEACEFUL & PIECEFUL week.
Happy Quilting!!