
My FIRST Tute: Selvage Square Tutorial

The above link will take you to Scribd, a file sharing site. If you prefer a quilt related site or PDF download format, please see the same tutorial at The Quilting Board.

The squares can be used for pincushions----I embellished mine with buttons & think it's positively adorable! You can create keepsakes for projects you're passing along to someone else, gifts for quilty friends or you can save your completed squares for a quilt top. Please see Karen Griska's Blogger site called The Selvage Blog for some fantastic ideas and pure inspiration. A reader sent me her information after my tute was published on the Quilting Board.

These are so much fun to do and a great use of fabric that is normally discarded by most quilters. If you haven't been saving them, there's no time like the present.
Happy Quilting =)


  1. very nice work again! you have talent!

  2. Thats really cute! I envisioned an all red one! Tomatos are on my mind, lol!


Your comments are always welcome. :)