
🐣 Pastel Chicks 🐣

Pastel chick fabric from the Nana Mae II line is lovely and may be a little tough to find since IV was just released. I don't know about you, but I miss actual fabric shopping in a little mom and pop brick and mortar store. It's great to get mail but there's something so special about an actual shopping trip for goodies and in finding things that you wouldn't have even thought to search for online. Maybe later this summer a road trip will be in order. 


Packages Keep Arriving

SCORE! Polka dots are my absolute favorite basic to work with and these are so super cute with the rings of dots...they go with nearly everything! Lizzy House's Mini Pearl Bracelet line is the perfect size print for smaller scale piecing and it arrived today in a rainbow of colors. I also managed to scoop up some of the original in teal & navy. 💙
Mr. Fabulous & our mail carrier are just SO excited about all the packages arriving daily. 😆
I'm figuring the saved cost of my commute to work the past 2.5 months more than covers the online fabric spree...but I don't think everyone is a fan of this new budget math. 


Surprise Fun Mail Arrived

Not much tops Fun Mail...but Surprise Fun Mail is super fun! 

30s reproduction fabrics in some bright, happy colors just for me from my mom. Thank you, this made my day. 

Browsing over the photos from the "shoe organizer", better known as the 30s repros bin around here, it looks a little shabby compared to the new cubes. A refresh is in order: a little reorganization & some serious refolding will do nicely. 

I pull from this section all the time and just took out all the yardage and bits stuck in there awaiting the arrival of the cubes. Now that the second row of cubes is dedicated to 30s prints, arranged by color (of course!) and the old Dear Jane storage cleaned out, it's time. 

This will make a decent, fairly quick project to keep me busy for the last week of school meetings and/or a break from grading this final week of school. YESSSSS my friends, it's been such a long year---and we're ready for summer like never before. 
