
♡ A Little Applique on the Go Bag ♡

I have a little confession...I've never put in a zipper until today. To be honest, I never needed anything that really required one until I purchased Aneela Hoey's Stitched Sewing Organizers. Let's just say that there are plenty more zippers to come. I've also never worked with vinyl before and it was a bit trying to say the least but I wanted to try some new things and I REALLY wanted a set of bags once I found Aneela Hoey's patterns.
Now, you could purchase them individually online from her blog store but you may find the book is considerably less expensive if you'd like several styles.
Binding is my least favorite activity and clearly I need some practice. Also, the 30s needle case is out of place now that my bag contents can be seen. I'd like a matching one to throw into this case soon. The actual wool felt was out at a couple shops and I cannot work with polyester because it beards terribly long term with a lot of use.  Assuming I can find some without spending an arm and a leg, I'll post the coordinating one ASAP.  For now, I've got the bag and will be glad to take some handwork with me while I'm out and about...and I ♡ LOVE ♡ the feature fabric.

Happy Sewing and Applique,

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