
Momma Goes Modern for a Minute

Did I really say it was impossible to find Aneela Hoey fabrics? Fun mail arrived all at once from various corners of the world today...ok, there are still a couple packages en route but we'll keep that between us. There's even a tiny bit of Sherbet Pips coming soon----oooh yes, happy dancing! For the fussy cutters among us, this is a truly spectacular find. Meanwhile, the Heather Ross is on hold until I snatch up a couple more pieces of this incredibly difficult to find fabric. Her 20th anniversary collection is due out any moment and the refresh button is getting a workout since it was coming out "mid month". 

I'm pleased to report there are some amazing 30s reproductions still available but it requires a little digging. Twiddletails is probably the best source I've found so far other than the Fat Quarter Shop and Grandma's Attic Quilting. The local shop is back open, it's not terribly close but they may get a visit in a week or two, as well. Also, if you love Judie Rothermel's beautiful prints as much as I do, her shop is located in Ohio and it's called the Schoolhouse Quilt Shoppe. It's fantastic!

Happy Fussy Cutting & Fabric Hunting!
Piece, Heather


  1. A couple of the online shops in Australia have been taking pre-orders for the Heather Ross 20th anniversary collection, and Polka Dot Tea Fabrics (an etsy shop) has a fair range of Heather Ross fabrics. Might be worth a look, although with the way the post is at the moment it could be a long time coming.

  2. My email just arrived this evening...I've been on the waitlist at Fat Quarters. I was able to snag some goodies but did not order the full yards I originally planned....hoping that the larger cuts are available longer than the small FQ sets. Far and Away II are calling also.


Your comments are always welcome. :)