
2015 is FLYING by!

I spent the time before Thanksgiving break organizing my classroom and bringing in a few Christmas decorations.  New pencils in winter designs and bling were a huge hit when we returned to class. I picked up another couple of classes in recent weeks so I am spending a lot of time preparing for classes these days. My posts will be few and far between as a result.

Munchkin has been a busy bee helping with the various mini trees and placing ornaments on the big tree this year! A few new ornaments arrived in the mail the other day and we ooooohed and aaahhhhed together in harmony. It's not quite finished yet but I had a few minutes available to post. We still have several cases of ornaments to look through and the heated debate over tinsel continues. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas season and a very Happy New Year!
All my best, 