
Sunshine, Blooms & Bookmarks

We've been busy playing outside, enjoying the fantastic weather 
all week long. 

Now that the ♥ white violets ♥ are popping up, 
I'm oh so thrilled about gardening. 
We've been watering the strawberry patch, 
thanks to a bunch of new blooms.
Almost all the tulips are out, the hostas are just beginning to open
& the creeping phlox is blooming.

A brief afternoon in the sewing room with munchkin today 
produced 4 bookmarks---a special request. 
Now that we have the hang of it, 
she'll be whipping up a few more this week.

*Thankfully, mom's fabric stash is always available.*

Hopefully, I'll have a bit of time to sneak into the sewing room
and catch up on some 
much needed RSVP black & white blocks soon.
