
Sometimes Things Don't Go as Planned.

{the second batch of floss was noticeably off}
I hit a roadblock on the RSVP 
car embroidery project and have been...
well, avoiding it as of late.
Sometimes things just don't seem to go the way you'd like & you just have to start over.
snip. snip. snip.

When we were kids & needed a second chance,
we "called a Do Over".
No shame in our game.
Do over it is!


Valentine's Day Quick Craft Tutorial

Crafty mommy whipped up some all felt barrettes about a week ago
but I was disappointed in the stretching & 
loose threads that happened relatively quickly. 
After all, we may be on the girlie side among the guys at the RF house---
 but we still play hard.


ric rac + hearts

We're playing in hearts 
{because you're never too old for a fun mobile}!

Craft on, Retro-Fabulous Readers...
Craft on.


Fabric Bits

Maybe it's the wish for spring or preparations for St. Patrick's day 
that has me thinking of Judie Rothermel prints....it all started 
with a blogger friend's plea for help finding the green one 
(you knew I had some bit of it somewhere, right?). 

Sadly, it's only a teensy tiny piece but seeing it has certainly helped me...
I had to dig through the Dear Jane fabrics to find it 
and found myself feeling a little nostalgic 
for the project of a lifetime along the way. 
I guess we just needed some time apart.

Happy Quilting,