
We're Playing Outside!

Spring is in full swing at the Fab home. 
We're playing ball, drawing with chalk all over the driveway &
 running barefoot in the grass....and loving every second of it!

If you'll notice the toes at the base of the hosta on the right, they should provide a bit of perspective on how big this one's getting these days. 

{I just transplanted a few more....shhh.....Mr. Fabulous does not quite 
share the same level of enthusiasm for these little beauties}

I hope you've enjoyed the little tour...
coming soon:
the strawberry patch!

Enjoy a day in the sun
as we begin the count down to summer break.



  1. Beautiful photo’s! Love all those plants! We are waiting for some warmer weather and sunshine to have the plants and flowers grow!

  2. I love hostas. My mom LOVED them. Once when we were on vacation she carried one that she dug up at my sister's house, onto the plane. She carried it the whole time. I don't think you could do that now. I have a few hostas but they love shade and moisture. Harsh in the desert type atmosphere here. I've tried to create a pennsylvania yard at my house. Utah people don't get it.


Your comments are always welcome. :)