
2011 Resolution to Organize?

Organization challenge?? Bring it on!

If your new year's resolution has ever been to reorganize your stash, clean your sewing room or to de-clutter the house, back door storage could be the solution you've been looking for.

When limited space has you feeling a little cramped, why not utilize some space that you take for granted…behind the door?

Behind the door storage rocks!

It’s out of the way,

You’ll have easy access to it,

AND you can find a super deal on an organizer!

I chose an inexpensive shoe organizer for about $10 a couple years ago. With a clear vinyl holder, you’ll save time searching for your bits & pieces.

Originally, I came up with this system for sorting my scraps. It works well---but collecting selvages takes a considerable amount of time so I thought this would be best for a long-term selvage storage solution. Since I like the color of the fabric showing on my selvage projects, this method of organization is perfect for my purposes, dividing my pockets by color as I did initially with scraps.

Don’t collect selvages or scraps?

You can always use this for your spare tools, acrylic templates and/or gadgets in the over the door storage

{saving your scraps and selvages for a quilty friend}
…or you can use a pegboard system for those and find another option for your shoe sleeves.

Not a gadget girl?

What about extra sewing and quilting pattern storage? I like to keep patterns in sections of similar projects and by size. The larger pocket organizers would work well in this case.

Holiday fabric taking up needed space? Many quilters keep their holiday fabric separated from their main stash. For those of you organized enough to prep yours in advance {unlike me!} a sturdy version might be just the thing for you.

Are your stash strips in sad shape because they're no longer in the pretty jelly roll bundle? Perfect storage solution!

Binding, trims, ribbons and embellishments are all well suited for this type of system, too. If you have rickrack and binding jammed into a drawer, set your drawer free and see everything you have on hand at a quick glance.

Stick to a theme for your behind the door storage and you’ll always come out ahead. Now this is just in the sewing room...imagine what you can do in the kids' rooms with these little beauties!

*When purchasing, look for metal grommets & hooks especially for fabric storage.*

Patterns, trims & selvages won't weigh much initially, but over time, you'll be happier with your purchase if it has the ability to hold what we all hold dear.

Happy Organizing.