
Treasure, Aye Matey!

I found a locked box at a garage sale and had to open it up and find out what was inside.
Once I did, I clutched the box and couldn't wait to bring it home. 

Can I just say I love wooden spools? I'm not sure where my fascination came from but they're so much cooler than plastic. It's so nice to add a few to my little stash. 
Thimbles?? Seriously...is there such a thing as too many? 
I love all sizes, ones I'll never use, metal, plastic, themed or not. 
The new additions have me completely giddy.

Vintage needle cases, too?? A box of goodness on a slow sewing week is just the boost I need to get back to my projects. 

 Now if only I'd have purchased her iron collection.... 


  1. Don't use the brass thimbles. B/C if you do, you will fall in love and not want to use anything else. And then you'll use the brass thimble until the needle actually punctures through the soft metal. And then you'll discover that you can't find a replacement brass thimble. And you will cry. And be scarred for life. *Sigh* I miss that thimble.


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