
One, Two, Three Tris!

TR4, TR2, TR3
The three triangles for this weekend came together pretty easily
considering the fussy cut bits were from 10" charms.
I was really worried #4 (purple) wouldn't be enough
but thought I'd give it a try anyway.
I LOVE the bells in it.

Working in order is quite different than choosing what you want to do,
as I did with the blocks after I stuck with the initial schedule a while.
I wouldn't say it's more challenging,
but I do find I have to make a fabric choice quicker than I'd like.
That may lead to some redos later on....we shall see.

My blocks were done in the order that they appear on this blog.
Its an altered schedule after a few weeks.
Your confidence will be up by the second month and then
you can adjust the plan to meet your needs.

If you are interested in the difficulty levels download,
please keep in mind that not all skill sets are the same.
What is easy and logical to one quilter may be
frustrating and time consuming to another.

I don't pay much attention to the rankings or the amount of time
it took a quilter to complete any given block.
It's all relative.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Excellent triangles, I made all mine randomly, next time I might try having a schedule, definitely making the ones I found difficult first to get them out of the way.
    I do agree with your comment about what is easy and logical to one quilter may be frustrating etc. I thought the same about some blocks.


Your comments are always welcome. :)